馃枅 ul. Rzeszowska 20, 36-200 Brzoz贸w聽聽聽聽聽 馃暬 +48 13 43 411 20聽聽聽聽 馃杺 info@artgos.pl
About us
The history of our company dates back to 1951. Under the name Zak艂ad Tworzyw Sztucznych ArtGos S.A. we have been operating since 1998. The products that we present on the pages of our catalog have been created thanks to qualified staff, experience and extensive technical facilities. The production of all products is carried out on modern automated injection molding machines. Our products are characterized by interesting design, the highest quality and functionality. We place great emphasis on ecology. All our products can be recycled and reused to produce other products.
The company has a certified quality management system compliant with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, confirmed by a certificate. It ensures a high standard of not only manufactured products, but also of all activities undertaken in the company. We undergo an ethical audit for compliance with the ETI Code according to the SMETA 4 Pillar methodology.
ArtGos S.A. is a team of highly qualified specialists who can meet the expectations of all, even the most demanding customers.
We invite you to cooperation.
History of The Plastics Plant ArtGos JSC
The Plastics Plant ArtGos JSC has been a joint-stock company since June 1, 1998, established as a result of commercialization of a state-owned enterprise of the same name made at the request of the Director and the Works Council.
The beginnings of the Artgos S.A. Plastic Plant go back to 1951. From that moment on, the then State Button and Ridge Factory underwent the following changes:
Transformation into Brzozowskie Zak艂ady Przemys艂u Terenowego.
Renaming to the Zak艂ady Chemiczne Przemys艂u Terenowego.
Separation of the enterprise from the field industry to the key industry under the name Plastics Plant “Erg”.
Incorporation of the company into the “Erg” Plastics Plant in Pustk贸w.
Separation from the structures of Plastics Plant “Erg” in Pustk贸w and inclusion in Plastics Plant “Gamrat” in Jas艂o.
The plant leaves the structures of Plastics Plant “Gamrat” and starts operating as an independent state-owned enterprise under the name of Plastics Plant “ArtGos”.
Commercialization at the request of the Director and Works Council of the state-owned company Plastics Plant “ArtGos” of April 23, 1998 and commencement of operations as a joint-stock company Plastics Plant “ArtGos”.
Carrying out the ownership transformation, as a result of which the main shareholder of Plastics Plant “ArtGos” JSC became Industrial Development Agency JSC.
On June 29, 2015, an agreement was concluded for the contribution of the Company’s shares to the Closed-End Investment Fund of Non-Public IDA companies under the signing up for Investment Certificates.
On January 12, 2016, an agreement was concluded for the contribution of the Company’s shares to the Closed-End Investment Fund of Non-Public IDA companies under the signing up for Investment Certificates.
As of October 9, 2020, Industrial Development Agency JSC once again became the primary shareholder of Plastics Plant ArtGos JSC.
In its 60-year period of existence, the plant has made further product and technological changes, ranging from the production of buttons, through protective foil covers, extruded PVC products, various products made of thermosetting plastics, to the production of household goods made of thermoplastics, which has been dominant since the mid-1970s.