The ArtGos S.A. Code of Business Ethics articulates fundamental values and standards that govern all staff members in the business.

They are set of rules which aim to guide the staff. However, they do not provide a complete solution for all the dilemmas and difficulties that may arise in daily work. In situations not regulated in this document, the rules are only a guideline for making individual decisions in conformity with the conscience of employee.

All our operations, including production, distribution and sales must be conducted with respect and recognition of human rights, including regard for the human right to safety and health, and respect for the environment. The goal in all our operations is to continuously improve and enhance the performance of our work, as well as to uphold a brand of high quality.

As a result of such conduct ArtGos S.A. is recognized as a business partner.

It is the responsibility of every staff member and management of Our Company to ensure compliance with the Code of Business Ethics. Moreover, everyone is expected to respond
immediately if the principles are infringed and report it to Management.

Code of Business Ethics ZTS “ARTGOS” S.A. is respected in all places where the company conducts its business. Regardless of the workplace or position, all employees, coworkers and partners have the right to respect, personal dignity and privacy.


Legal Regulations
In all places where ZTS „ARTGOS” S.A. conducts business, there is the law which must be respected. This is the minimum that have to be met according to this document.

Business Relations
The priority of ZTS „ARTGOS” S.A. is to build relationships with partners that rely upon fair competition. Decisions that are made in the Company have a business case and the relationship is governed by transparent principles.


Work and children
In all places where ZTS „ARTGOS” S.A. conducts business, child labour is absolutely prohibited in any form. It is forbidden to hire people under the age of 16, except the areas where
local law permits it. In the case of the employment of underage children, the Management is committed to adjust working hours, working conditions and wages according to their age and conformity with the relevant legal regulation in force in the area.

Force labour
Forced labour, i.e., forcing an employee to perform work against his will and choice, is absolutely prohibited.

Work Health and Safety
Every staff member has the right to work in safe and healthy conditions. It is the duty of the employee to comply with applicable health and safety regulations to avoid workplace accidents or work-related illnesses.

All staff members shall be treated equally with regard to the establishment and termination of employment and terms and conditions of employment, advancement and access to training in order to improve professional qualifications. This rule applies regardless of sex, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, politics, trade union membership, ethnic origin, sexual orientation as well as employment for a definite or indefinite period of time or full or part time.

Any forms of mobbing and harassment are forbidden. At ZTS “ARTGOS” S.A., an Anti Harassment Procedure has been introduced. It specifies how to deal with the phenomenon
of mobbing in the workplace. Its aim is to react against workplace harassment, intervene if bullying activities occurred, make perpetrators responsible and support activities aimed
at building and strengthening positive interpersonal relations between employees. Furthermore, it is forbidden to reduce the employee base salary as a form of punishment unless
it is regulated in internal regulations and consisted with effective labour law.

Working Hours
ZTS „ARTGOS” S.A. takes care of well-balanced life of the employees. Working hours cannot exceed 8 hours per day and an average of 40 hours per five-day work week in the established settlement period.

The amount of remuneration cannot be lower than minimum wage set by the State. The salary should be paid in accordance with internal regulations.

Trade Unions
All staff members in order to represent and defence their claims and interests, have the right to form organizations and join them. The employer has no right to hinder them from doing it and draw any consequences against such employees.

Protection of Environment
In compliance with the environmental policy of ZTS “ARTGOS” S.A., all suppliers and their subcontractors are not allowed to use materials that are included in the “List of Prohibited
Materials” in accordance with the European Union Directive.

Occupational Duties
The Management of ZTS “ARTGOS” S.A. is responsible for informing all employees of their rights and duties described in this document. Moreover, the board is obliged to storage all
documents that confirm the fulfilment of a duty.

The Principles of Reporting Irregularities
In case of the suspicion that any of the above principle is breaking, the employee is obliged to inform immediate supervisor and, if this is not possible, the Ethics Spokesperson. The
disclosure of reported irregularities and comments cannot be condemned, punished and the company cannot hold the employee accountable for it in any way. There is a possibility to report any irregularities anonymously. Nevertheless, anonymous reports are always less reliable. In the production division there is a mail box for such complaints. The Ethics Spokesperson who decides about examination of the case, will take into consideration such aspects as the gravity of the problem, reliability of the report and possibility of confirmation of accusations from identified sources. Infraction of the principles of Code of Business Ethics may be the reason for disciplinary procedure with all the sanctions envisioned by labour law.